Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You have a choice...

I remember growing up I used to ask my parents, whats for dinner?  And usually they would go into detail and tell me, but on some occasions, I was not feeling what we were having for dinner, and I wanted something like McDonald's instead so I would ask why can't we have McDonald's, and the response was " this is what is for dinner tonight, you can either eat that or, not at all, it's your choice....was it really a choice...lol.  It was not until having my own kids and being put through the same thing that I understood this, because it actually was a choice, and I could have chosen not  to eat what was for dinner!  The Bible tells us in John 3:15 that if we believe in Christ Jesus, then we will have eternal life, but first we must make the choice to believe....So what do you believe? Eternity is no laughing matter, and you have a choice on how you would like to spend it, in Hell or Heaven?  You see I have made up my mind I want to be in Heaven, and not Hell, so I have made my choice, but some of you may be still on the fence, wondering if there is a such thing as Heaven or Hell, well, look at it this way, suppose I am right and there is a Heaven to gain and Hell to loose...for us Christians that have made the choice to fellow Jesus, our life on earth will be the closest that we will ever get to Hell.  Now for those of you who have not made that choice, or have chosen to reject God, then the life you are living now on this earth, is the closest you will ever get to Heaven....I call Heaven and Earth to witness against you today: I place before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curse. Choose life so that you and your children will live. And love God, your God, listening obediently to him, firmly embracing him. [Deuteronomy 30:19 (MSG)]

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