Thursday, September 15, 2011

He will direct your path...

My son loves to go camping.  At least twice a year he gets to go away for 3-4 days at a time, and when he comes back he always shares with me how rough the trip usually starts off, but at the end, he has a great time!  Like wise is the path of the righteous.  You will have your good days and bad days and with the way the world is, it is impossible to avoid all the strife.  But even in the mist, we can have his peace, knowing that we are never alone when facing those difficult times.  When we become devoted to the Lord, our entire attitude changes from the inside out.  We become more steady and stable knowing that God is there to help us, to comfort us, and lead us as the Holy Ghost guides us.  The Bible tells us to achieve this is simple, just keep your mind focus on him, and he will direct your path. (Isaiah 26:3-8)  If you fell off the path, no need to get unbound, just pick your self back up, center in on him, and watch as the path becomes clear, God is the director of all that we do, and it is in him and his purpose for us, not our own, that we find ourself.

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