Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dear Lucifer D. Satan

Today's Word: Job 1:6-22

Dear Devil,

Thank you for sending your entire army after me.  I appreciate the fact that you found my purpose to be of such great importance that you could not take the chance of me keeping my faith.  I just wanted to write you this thank you note to let you know that I am still here, and not only that, I'm still standing and I owe it all to you for letting me know I am on the right path, and you know my name.  Keep up the good work and it maybe a bonus in it for you!  Yours truly leaning on the Word of God, Me

Now imagine if we would have this attitude day in and day out as we go through life.  The trouble with most Christians, as we go through our walk with the Lord, is that we assume that it will be drama free, when in actuality, God said that there would be trouble. (John 16:33).  So if that is the case, why would we as Christians judge another member of the body, or put them down in anyway thinking they are doing bad, or questioning their character because they maybe going through something, when in fact that maybe a sign that they are on the right path.

" Have you considered my servant, Job?"  In our reading we find that a meeting is taking place before the Lord, which included Satan.  Satan and the Lord begin to have a conversation with God asking Satan, "what have you been up to?"The conversations goes on further with Satan attempting to attack the character of Job, stating "does Job fear God for nothing, Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side.  You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land."  Now at this point, most of us would love to be in this position.  Right standing with God, flowing in his purpose for our lives, with the confidence to have dominion over everything in our lives and to see the fruits of our labor.  What a great place to be in right?

But what if your heart is not in the right place?  What if you had all of that what would your mind set be?  Would you still be focused in on God, so focused in fact that if he took all that away from you, would you still praise him? Would you continue to pray?  Would you still lift his name on high?  Moreover, would God himself trust you to do so?  See this is the type of connection he had with God.  This is the relationship he walked in daily, not just in the public view but also behind closed doors, so much in fact that the devil knew of him and envied his relationship so he wanted to make a example of him.  See the enemy wants to get you in a place where he knows you been waiting on some things from the Lord that you have not gotten yet.  Then he tries to convenience you to have your own understand of how things should be, by sending you false profits, people, places, and things that are not of the Lord and though they seem to be just right for you, they were merely used as another distraction to draw you away from the Lord.  The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, so I ask you, what is in your life that is doing such a thing, if it is, then it maybe your Job moment, so will you praise the Lord, and thank satan for what he was trying to do, will you press on toward the mark of the high calling.  Or will you curse the Lord and use his name in vein.  If you are in your Job moment, remember the Lord is good all the time, not part of the time.  His is the one true and sovereign God!

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