Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Great expectations...

Life can seem difficult and overwhelming at times and as a result, often we ask, "What does God expect from me?" “And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the LORD your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul. And you must always obey the LORD’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good (Deut 10:12). Here Moses gives a summary that is simple in form and easy to remember. Here are the essentials: (1) Fear God; (2) Live in a way that pleases him; (3) Love him; (4) Serve him with all your heart and soul; and (5) Obey his commands. Too often we complicate faith with man-made rules, regulations, and requirements. Are you frustrated and burned out from trying hard to please God? Concentrate on his real requirements and find peace. Respect, follow, love, serve, and obey.

Growing pains...

Growing pains are some of the most difficult pains to adjust to. My oldest son had pains in his knees for years, all because they were growing into what they would be as an adult faster than the rest of his body, Like wise with God and our faith we experience growing pains, but your pains are God's way to rouse you from slumber. Pain is your wake-up call to awaken, to look deeper into yourself, to adjust the course of your life. God tries to be as gentle as possible, and only if you ignore the call does the pain get stronger.

Working 9 to 5....

Every new job is a challenge. Without God it can be frightening. With God it can be a great adventure. Just as God was with Joshua, he is with us as we face our new challenges. We may not conquer nations, but every day we face tough situations, difficult people, and temptations. God promises, however, that he will never abandon us nor fail to help us. By asking God to direct us we can conquer many of life's challenges without the added stress and mental fatigue. God loves us so much that no matter what we do, he is always there for us, with him by our side there is nothing we can not handle, no job to big, no temptation to great for in his hands he will relieved us from them all.

Detour ahead...

Major set backs lead to Major Breakthroughs...no matter what you are facings, you will get through it, even if the chips are low sometimes you have to encourage yourself (1 Sam 30:6). Even God himself when he made the heavens, Earth, and us, had to stop and call us good, why? He is God, he already knew it was good, but he was on a mission and wanted to complete a task, so the almighty encourage himself along the way. In likewise so do we because God has told you what the end result will be, you just have to walk it out,encourage yourself,cause you know its a good work!

"Never allow one loss to turn into two!"

Just because the enemy may have gotten the upper hand on you in the last battle, just remember this, "Never allow one loss to turn into two!" In other words, this is a war for your salvation, and in the battles, you may not win them all but don't stay in the defeat of you last battle allowing the enemy the upper hand going into the next battle to give him and advantage. You have the advantage, because its always three against one! You, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus are always on the same team.....

Reaffirm your choice everyday...

With the hustle of everyday life, taking the kids to practice, going to the gym, social hour, bible study, church, social clubs, school, it's easy to slip into a quiet rebellion-going about life in your own way. In doing so, you tend to fall further and further away from God and your relationship with him. First you miss a few of your alone time with him, then you not as enthusiastic about going to church, then you stop reading your word and doubting who he is....Now you are in trouble because instead of serving God you start serving your self ambition, your feelings, and emotion, the world and what it considers success, and you look up and do not recognize yourself anymore. This is what was happening to the people in Joshua 24:15. But the time comes when you have to choose who or what will control you. The choice is yours. Will it be God, your own limited personality, or another imperfect substitute? Once you have chosen to be controlled by God's Spirit, reaffirm your choice every day because obedience is the key to unlocking the blessings of God to operate in your life!

You've got questions, we've got answers....

Just a thought....There truly is no such thing as a stupid question however, if you never ask the question, chances are you may not ever get the answer.  So often we’re told not to question, especially questions related to our faith and the ways of God. Both of my sons find it challenging to ask questions when they do not understand something for fear of being criticized or made fun of, and as a result, even though they are excellent students, their performance still suffers.  Without allowing questions, students are denied the opportunity to learn for themselves, to own and utilize it as an educational tool. Like wise as the teacher in the class is not afraid of your questions or comments, neither is our God afraid of your questions. As a matter of fact, He expects them.  The Bible says in James 1:3-4; knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. In other words you are required to question and try your faith to see that it is true and in doing so, you will develop the endurance, or staying power to be able to handle the task, the unexpected life events, and purpose that God has for your life!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can there be any doubt.....

What has God been asking of you and you have had your doubts about fulfilling. God has already called you, equipment you, and told you that he was going to deliver your enemies into your hands, but you seem to have been blinded by your fears, listening to the wrong people, or speaking the wrong things over your life. Not unlike Moses when he was by God to go before the Pharaohs and request to let God's people go, we too tend to deny God. Moses said in Exodus 4:13 Oh, My Lord, I pray you send by the hand of some other whom you will send. No this, it is never by your degree, you background, your family status, or even the people involved, but it is by the mighty hand of God, as the Lord said to Moses, who has made man's mouth, or who makes the dumb or the deaf or the seeing or the blind, is it not I the Lord" The creator of Heaven and Earth has assured you promises and through Jesus you can have them more abundantly, then why on Earth would you ever doubt and not take him at his word!

Monday, January 9, 2012

How far can your faith carry you...

How far can your faith carry you? I used to think I was a man of pretty good faith, that I could believe God for just about anything, and in 2011 that was put to the test in just about every area of my life. We all face situation in life, usually against our self, and the conclusion of it all is how far will your faith carry you? You see as you go through life and continue to grow in the works and things of the Lord, know this, he will never take you to such a place in your life where you feel you do not need him! The Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith, and furthermore, you faith in believing God at his word is what actually gets you counted as righteous unto God, for the bible says in Genesis 15:6, Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith. Each of us from the beginning have been dealt a measure of faith, the question is how far will you let your faith take you. This year in 2012, I am believing God for all the promises he has spoken over my life and the lives of my family for the supernatural! What are you going to put you faith on? This year we started of the first 8 days of the year and took a different day each of the eight to focus on some area in our lives we wanted to see grow in the things of God, why not do the same, its not to late...Give God your first and watch him bless the rest!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Your Application has been approved....

Just a thought... To "reign over" something is to have absolute authority and control over it. God has ultimate rule over the earth, and the fullness there of.  To "have dominion over" something is to be given charge over or to place in the watchful care of such as a baby sitter.  When God delegated some of his authority to the human race, he expected us to take responsibility for the environment, the other creatures that share our planet; but more importantly, each other. you see you would not just leave your children with just any baby sitter, you would take careful consideration to her qualification and back ground, and reference check.  You see that is what God has done with us.  Because we were made in his image we are qualified for the position he has for us, because of the blood of the lamb of God, we are able to pass the background check as our passed is wiped away and behold we are made new in him, and because of the word of Jesus' testimony to God that we are his joint heirs to the kingdom, he gives us and outstanding reference check.  We must not be careless and wasteful as we fulfill his charge. God was careful in how he made us. The question is, now that you know you are qualified for what ever you are going through or dealing with in life, and you have the background to be able to press through for his name sake, and the reference to up hold you no matter what are you gonna take the job?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Whatever Man......

I admit, I have my bad days, but who does not?  But if you are like me, and human, you do, and sometimes it can seem like and up hill battle to move passed those bad days, but it is not to late, we are just at the beginning of the year, and just like God is in the redeeming business as he purchased back our souls from sin, we too being made in his image have the ability also to be redeemed in our mindset.  You see what we put in our minds often determines what will play out in our actions and words.  In other words if you think it can not be done, then chances are it wont be, but if you have faith that it can be, then he will exceed your expectations.  Take the time and let the beginning of the year set the tone for the rest of your year, by examining what you are putting into your mindset.  Wether it is from past hurts, let downs disappointments, set back, or just the general frustrations of life, know that is is possible to replace those thoughts with whole some materials, thinking the best in others even when you may feel they do not deserve it, because God thinks the best in you, and you are a reflection of him.  It does take practice, and you may even slip on the way, but continue to ask God to help you focus your mind on those things good, pure, righteous and worthy of the praise, but above all, read your word and pray.

Peace and Blessings

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

True Meaning of the season.......

Did you get everything that you wanted for Christmas? Most people who celebrated this past Christmas, may not have even realized the real meaning of God's Christmas gift to us, his son Jesus. For the Bible says that God, so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son (John 3:16). Most of us keep he wrapped up through out the year or put up on a shelf, until needed, with the emergency break glass. We sometimes never take Jesus out of the box in order to have a meaningful relationship with him. Instead, my prayer is that you not wait until New Years to start your relationship a fresh with him, but why not start today and enjoy the full benefits of getting to know him, love on him, worship and adore him, because he gave for you when he did not have to, he loved you before you even knew what love was, he cared for you even on the days you were not able to care for your self, so today, take the time out and thank him for his grace, his mercy, which endures forever. God love you, more than you will ever understand and truly know....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

Let it go to voicemail....

‎"We design and live our lives based on our expectations and beliefs, both positive and negative." With that being the said, today why not make a choice to live based on the positive and choose to reject the negative! Don't dwell on the past hurts, frustrations and anger, it only leads to a negative place. The past will always come calling, for the bible says in Luke 4:13; And when the devil had ended every [the complete cycle of] temptation, he [temporarily] left Him [that is, stood off from Him] until another more opportune and favorable time. Instead, when the past comes calling, don't answer the phone, let it go to voicemail, after all, you already know what it is going to say for the enemy comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Does it really matter looking back.....

It's the new year, and by now you should all be settled in, and with that, let's close the chapter on 2011. You see, a lot of us tend to start of the year with excitement and expectation of what we set out to do and what our plans are for the year, but I heard a joke a long time ago and it said, " if you ever want to make or hear God laugh, then tell him your plans." The reason being is because more often then not, our plan for our self fail. So we don't meet our goals, or things don't go as we would have hoped, then we start becoming impatient and pretty soon that excitement we stated off with becomes anxiety. So the real question for this year is how do we avoid the excitement into anxiety pit fall. Incomes Jesus with the answer, which is a very simple one, 'Will this matter in a year from now to God the Father?' You see because all too often we get so involved in things that we look at life through a microscope. Amplifying manifold, an invisible speck becomes an insurmountable mountain. Put down the microscope and imagine yourself a year from now looking back at today: 'Does this really matter to God the Father in getting accomplished his agenda for this year?' So when you set out this time to make your goals for the year, ask your self do those really matter to the Father, are they on his agenda?