Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Whatever Man......

I admit, I have my bad days, but who does not?  But if you are like me, and human, you do, and sometimes it can seem like and up hill battle to move passed those bad days, but it is not to late, we are just at the beginning of the year, and just like God is in the redeeming business as he purchased back our souls from sin, we too being made in his image have the ability also to be redeemed in our mindset.  You see what we put in our minds often determines what will play out in our actions and words.  In other words if you think it can not be done, then chances are it wont be, but if you have faith that it can be, then he will exceed your expectations.  Take the time and let the beginning of the year set the tone for the rest of your year, by examining what you are putting into your mindset.  Wether it is from past hurts, let downs disappointments, set back, or just the general frustrations of life, know that is is possible to replace those thoughts with whole some materials, thinking the best in others even when you may feel they do not deserve it, because God thinks the best in you, and you are a reflection of him.  It does take practice, and you may even slip on the way, but continue to ask God to help you focus your mind on those things good, pure, righteous and worthy of the praise, but above all, read your word and pray.

Peace and Blessings

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