Friday, September 16, 2011

Can you handle your invoice...

Imagine if today, your invoice came due for all the wrong you have ever done, all the sin you have committed, all the times when God told you to go left and you went right.  Would you be able to foot the bill?  So here you are sitting in front of the Devil that is the IRS agent, telling you that your bill is due, and he is not just going over what you have done the past four months, this year, or even five years ago, he is going over your entire life from front to back, the time you cut that person off, the time God told you to forgive and you said you could not, even the time he told you to ask for a promotion and you were too scared!  Could you pay the debt.  If you are asking yourself these questions, then you know you can't, thus the reason sin is our debt, cause we don't have the ability to pay.  But our God gave us an accountant, to audit our financials for us. He sent his son to pay the ultimate price for our sins, both yours and mines, and we have the nerve to turn our back on him at times, as if our credit is just that good.  Trust me, no matter what you think your credit score maybe, it still ain't enough to think you can ever walk away and do this on your own with out him, because by default, your debt will become due.  By the grace of God, and his mercy you never really get what you deserve, instead you get what he knows you can handle.....and for that God, I thank you for all you have done for me!

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