Friday, April 3, 2015

Rejoice in the Lord...

Philippians 4:4
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again --rejoice!

Rejoice in the Lord

Man, I can remember a time in my life, not long ago, where I woke up everyday, just saying to my self, "I just want to be happy." But what is happiness, and what do we really mean when we are trying to say we want it in our lives.
For me, I believe that happiness often gets confused with joy. Maybe not for you, but I think, most often, we confuse joy with happiness, and what we are really after is the Joy and the fullness of the Lord, but seek it with the happiness in things or people of the world. 
Most often, if we are feeling good, if everything is going right with our job, our relationships, and other things, we tend to say we are happy, but when all that fades away, we are sad, and then begin to make choices and decisions based on the feelings of sadness, because we believe that we are supposed to be happy ALL THE TIME. But the fact of the matter is LIFE, is not like that at all! You go through your ups and downs, your good times and bad times, but through it all, the one thing that you can have, that will always remain, is the JOY of the Lord! 
The Bible says, "Always be full of the joy of the Lord. I say it again -rejoice!" You see, HAPPINESS comes and goes from the PERSON, PLACE, OR THINGS of this world, where as OUR JOY comes from GOD. So, today, if you want to see a SHIFT in your life, seek the Joy of The Lord, and then I promise you, He will add happiness to your life, as He did with my life!
Be Blessed!

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