Thursday, March 14, 2013

Stay in Your Lane

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:11

"Stay in Your Lane"

Have you ever been driving down the highway and looked over to the side (rubber necking) at a house or something you like that caught your eye, only to find yourself drifting into that lane and the other cars hitting the horn to get your attention? Well if you have then you know exactly what I am talking about, and if you have not, then keep driving because if you drive long enough you will.  The same goes for our life.

Often times we have every intention on walking out the path that God has for us, only to find our self distracted at some point and going of the path established by God, and that's why it's important to stay in your lane!  This example can easily illustrate our spiritual walk with The Lord. Your starting off on your way to your distinction (the path God set before you) and along the way something catches your eye (financial challenges, relationships, work, friends and family) and you start focusing in on the thing that caught your eye.  And just like in the example with the car you start drifting off the path of God, and start drifting toward the person, place, or thing that has gotten your attention. And now you find yourself drifting out your lane and into another lane that is not meant for you, or in other words, off the path God has for your life!  Then people (your fellow believers, pastor, ministers, family, spouse, friends, and elders) are hitting their horns trying to get your attention to get you to stay in your lane! 

You see, with all of us it is easy to get distracted from the things God would have for us. Over time we can become tired, ungrateful, impatient, and envious of others, when instead God is looking for us to be content with what we have before he gives us more.  The Bible says, Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am. (Philippians 4:11 AMP). In other words you have to be so focus on the path God has called you to that no matter how inviting the objects on the outside may appear to be, you don't get distracted from staying in your lane!

In my case, I can still remember the first time this happened, I was a few days away from high school graduation, just gotten a new 1994/95 Geo Tracker and I was driving up  MD Route 235 heading to Waldorf, MD and in had taken my eye off the road towards where I was going and focused on the McKays parking lot to my right where an auto show was going on.  Before I knew it I was already drifting out of my lane and into the next lane, and then it happened; Pow!  I ran right into the back of the car in front of me because while I was focus over to the right, traffic in front of me had come to a stop because of the red light! You see, when you don't stay in your lane a few things tend to happen to us. One you get distracted. Two you can get into an accident with not only your self but causing someone else to as well, and lastly, you can miss the direction telling you that the course has changed!  Any combination of which, may not be so easy to recover from.  In my case, the truck was able to be fixed, the other person's car also was fixed and thank God no one was injured, but all this as a result of not staying in your lane!  

In life, we have to learn how to rely on the promises of God, and to be content with where he has us knowing that he is in charge on the throne.  If you are constantly in a state of searching and always wanting and feeling that you need more, ask God to deal with you concerning those desires and to teach you how to be satisfied. In doing so, you will find that God will supply your every need, but in a way that He knows is best for you.

Prayer: Lord, today I want to be so focused on you and what you have for me in my life that nothing else matters. Lord teach me now, how not to allow the distractions of life to cause me to drift from your path. If I have drifted away from you, allow me the grace and mercy to not cause myself or anyone else any harm as I conform back to your will.  

In Jesus name....Amen.

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