Thursday, June 17, 2010

What a Christian

Today's Verse:
James 2:18

I know if God laid down all the stuff that i would have to go through just by naming the name Jesus and becoming a Christian, I am sure most of you would have had second thoughts just like me if I knew half the stuff that would have happen, negatively.
But have you ever asked yourself, what it is being a Christian, I mean truly, what is a Christian?  

These days we see so many advertisements of "your 7 steps to a better you" or How to make things happen in 30 days or less.  These messages come from all over the place, media, TV, Internet, pop-ups or what ever the case maybe, and don't forget for the low, low price of just $19.95.  Wow.  Now hopefully you know as well as I do that this is just all talk, with no real foundation to back it up with.  Just a way to get rich quickly for them. 

In James 2:18, we see a great example of this and the beginning stages of being a Christian.  He writes, " But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds,  and I will show you my faith by what I do."  As a Christian it is very important what we do, moreover then what we say.  "Talk is Cheap"

As we go throughout life, people come in and out of our circle and pay very close attention to what it is we do, more so then what we say, perfect example, your children.  If you have children, you will quickly learn that kids do as they see, not as you say. 

Being a Christian we often find our selves taking the blunt of all task, the actions, and the battles, but I can assure you this, it is worth it.  More Importantly, someone else life may depend on what you do in a given situation.  I can not even count all the times that i have went through something and after dealing with it in my own life, having someone close to me go through the same thing, and therefore was able t pull on me as a resource to help see them through!

"Genuine faith will inevitably produce good deeds"  Jesus called for us to follow him, with him leading the way as the example in our lives, but we can often be guilty of belying this with our actions.  We are all changing and growing in the things of God, some quicker than others, but as you grow, do not forget that you too once had some things to work on in being a Christian, and the bible says in James 5:7-11, be patient with one another, but always know that someone is watching, so why not try your best to get it right!

Peace and Blessings.

"Father God, let us considered 
in your word that the Book of James
be a standard for us on how to be a Christian.
Let us not forget that by your grace we are saved
and being able to reach back to help someone else do the same.
Let us not bely you name and instead 
let the proof of the reality of our faith be seen in our changed lives"

Written by JP Courtney

1 comment:

  1. If only more Christians understood this, the entire world would be better off. I know, not long ago I was a lip service Christian around many people...most other people would have been shocked, no..would have argued vehemently that I could not possibly know Christ.

    Thanks for a proper reminder of who we claim to be.

    Greg C
    Civil Engineering Technician
