Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The second greatest trick of the devil...

You know, they say that the greatest trick that the devil ever did was convincing man that he does not exist, but did you every wonder what the second greatest trick was?

Well about a week ago I had the pleasure of seeing Wrath of the Titans.  Great movie and if you know anything about me, I love Greek mythology.  I know all the character, and the stories behind where they came from.  In this case the story line behind the movie is mankind has decided that they can handle things on there own and that God was not needed.  Imagine that, a life without needing God.  I mean think about it for a second.  It is something minor, a new job offer, and you take the offer because you feel it is a good choice.  You buy a new house because it felt right, or you try to tackle your problems the way you see fit.  All of which without consulting with God the Father, or even the counsel of the Holy Ghost, how would things be?

In other words, what if the second greatest trick of the devil is now in convincing us (man) that we don't need our God, that we have everything under control and we can handle it.  The Bible says in I Peter 5:8, Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.  You see the problem with man, is we have become so consumed with what we believe to be our business that we no longer seek God for what his business is for us, there by giving way for the enemy to operate in our life.  The reason why this is significant is because the passage says that the devil roams around.  The word roam comes from the word "Ramian" or the act of wandering.  You see we give play to a wandering devil, the passage does not say he is actively engaged in our lives, it says he is waiting and wandering around, looking for something to do for the right moment or the opportune time as he told Jesus before departing from him.

So in the movie Wrath of the Titans, Hades had finally convinced man that he no longer needed Zeus and man began to govern their own life and stop praying to God and in-turn in doing so his presence his very essence was reduced in them.  In Psalms 22:3, God dwells or lives in the praises of his people.  The adverse affect as God began to diminish in the people, Hades began to grow and consume the people, taking all power over them eventually.  You see the moment that we begin to think we have it under control is the moment that God becomes less effective in our lives.  The Bible says he knows the very number of hairs on our head, and further more, that he has already cared for us then why would you ever consider not to have him in the decision making process.

God is still God, no matter what is going on in your life, what ever you are facing, don't think that you can ever be big enough that you have it all under control, because then you will face the Wrath of the Titans.

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