Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Got Salvation?

If you were going to be stranded on a island by yourself, what is the one thing you would want to have?  I have visited this question over and over again, as a child, I can remember in grade school, they would always ask you who would you want to be with, and of course the answer was whom ever you had a crush on at that moment, they as an adult, we had an answer more based on the resources and things we thought we would need to survive.  But, now as a Christian, how would you answer this?  For me, it is easy, my salvation, the greatest gift that mankind has ever received.  To say it is all you need would be an understatement.  God gave his most precious gift in order to make your salvation even possible (John 3:16) and because of your salvation, you are assured certain things, such as an abundant life,wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, and piety just to name a few....all of which would be invaluable in trying to maintain your existence.  Does not matter if you are on an island by your self, or just dealing with everyday life, the most important tool in your arsenal is your salvation!

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