Monday, January 20, 2014

"Do or Do not, there is no try"

" Do or Do Not, There is no try."

Bible Verse: James 1:2-4                       

Focus: James 1:4

Sometimes it amazes me where the Holy Ghost guides me to find correlation with the word of God.  My favorite character in the Star Wars series is Jedi Master Yoda.  In today's reading we learn the true  purpose of the trails and temptations we face in life as Christians.  More importantly, in facing those head-on we can successfully overcome these adversities whereby producing maturity and a strong character in us.  Even in earlier chapters of the Bible, Jesus also acknowledges also that we will face trouble, but He has overcome it for us.  In James, he follows this same teachings embracing those same troubles, but in doing so gives us a fresh prospective on looking at them as joy.  

When you approach your troubles with the mindset that you can profit from them, instead of being reduced by them, you develop an attitude that you can get through them, instead of them defeating you.  In the movie Star Wars, young Skywalker, is facing a difficult part in his training, and after a first attempt which resulted in defeat, he became defeated in his spirit.  Likewise, we also become defeated after experiencing set backs and failures, but this is because we are not looking at it with the right mindset.  When dealing with hardships, the purpose in going through them is to learn perseverance, patience, and steadfastness.  When young Skywalker prepares himself for his second attempt, Jedi Master Yoda, feels his uneasiness in his spirit, based on Skywalker's response, I will try.  Jedi Master Yoda, quickly recognizes the defeat still present in his voice and corrects him in saying, "Do or Do Not, there is No try."  James also teaches us this same lesson in saying, "Consider it pure joy, my brother."  

When you get to a place where no matter what you are facing, you can find the joy, the silver lining, in going through the problem, and coming out better for it, you develop an internal peace, there by up lifting your spirit man, and building up your faith.  What ever you are facing, know that it is just a test to build you up, and you have two choices, do or do not, but trying is not an option.  Choose to embrace God, and face the trial head on, know that in DOing so, will produce a maturity (level of patience and understanding to be able to withstand by holding on steadfast to your belief) that will stand the test of time.

Be Blessed....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Deja vu

"Deja vu"

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:11-12

Focus: 1 Corinthians 11

One of my favorite all time movie series is the Matrix.  I especially like in the first one where the main character Neo experiences deja vu for the first time, and the sub character Trinity explains to him what it is.  In the Matrix, deja vu occurs when ever a change has been made to the original programing. The word deja vu comes from the French, meaning already seen.  It is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past.  Like wise I am a firm believer that in life, were are doomed to repeat lessons over and over again until you get it right, but most of us forget the first time we experienced it, so when it comes around again, unlike Neo, we don't get the deja vu.  With all the ups and down of life that we experience day to day it is easy to ignore or forget the lessons that we have learned.  But in todays reading Paul is actually giving us a heads up to remember the Israelites and what they learned and experienced with God the Father, but more importantly, the errors of their ways.  Today, as you go throughout your day, take careful notice to what happens and the lessons learned, giving care to notice if any of those are deja vu, if so, just like with the Matrix, make a change, a different decision, choose and alternate pathway, and watch God order those steps.

Be Blessed

Friday, January 17, 2014

"It Was Love at First Sight"

"It Was Love at First Sight"

Bible Verse: 1 John 4:19-21

                       John 3:16
Focus: 1 John 4:19
               John 3:16

Do you believe in Love at First Sight?  Speaking from experience, it is easy to say we love God when it does not require anything from us.  When all it cost us is weekly attendance at church on Sunday, and bible study during the week, but what if that love cost you everything.  Would you still love Him? You see, for God, this was a easy thing, because He is love.  The Bible says that God, so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son.  For God, He gave up everything, out of His love for us, so that we could see His example first.  He loved us at first sight, before the foundations of the world, but that love, cost Him, and it will cost us too.  God’s love required an action, and our love does to.  This is why 1 John 4:21 says, he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.  The true test of our love is not just in our relationships, marriages, and fellowship.  The true test of our love is how we treat the people right in front of us, our co-workers, friends, and family.  Though it may be hard, because the actions of others can sometime offend us, just remember, God love us(you) at first sight, even knowing the sin you would commit, the failures and set backs you would have, and even if you choose never to accept Him.

Be Blessed

Thursday, January 16, 2014

"It Ain't Easy, But It Was Worth It"

"It Ain't Easy, But It Was Worth It"

Bible Verse: Isaiah 26:7-10
Focus: Isaiah 26:3

I know sometimes it seems like the world gets all of God's grace and mercy, even when we, His people need it the most. And even in receiving His grace and mercy, it does not compel them to do what is right in His sight, but we have to realize that sometimes, the path to righteousness is not smooth, its not easy, and it is tough, but at the end of the day, it will be worth it. It is not easy at all to obey God's will, nor to maintain His mindset, in the midst of tough times, but God will always be there to strengthen, comfort and encourage you. You ever want to know your true purpose for living, it's easy, keeping our mind steadfast on Him (Isaiah 26:3) andI promise you, if you do, it will keep you in perfect peace!

Be Blessed