Wednesday, April 21, 2010

" It Takes a Little More to Be a Champion"

Philippians 3:14
Job 1:8

I can remember my football coach Tony Lisanti the first time that he told us, that practice makes perfect was not true. The looks on or face as we were all in shock because all our lives, I am sure you heard it just like me, " Practice makes Perfect," and to hear that was incorrect for the first time, through a wrench in the works, that is until he said, " Perfect Practice makes Perfect." As he explained, what good is it if you practice and practice but continue to make the same mistakes, and have the same issues without correcting them and learning from them. You will continue to make the same mistakes. Now on the other hand if you learn from them and continue to grow and stretch to the next level, perfecting you craft then you too can be come close to perfection.

Each day we wake up is another day of practice, another day to get it right, whether it be with our sparring partner, the devil, or with the obstacle course our life coach, God the father has put before us, with the same expected results. You see the devil can only do what God allows him to do to you in your life, in hopes of training you and equipping you for the journey that is ahead.(Job 1:8)

Sometimes it is hard to understand why you go through so much, or for that matter how stuff keeps happening to you when you trying to do all that you know to be right and true. Just like my former coach said you have to keep practicing until you get it right then continue how to do it the right way over and over until it becomes second nature, and that is what God is trying to get you to do! Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the fight is going to be easy, nothing worth your time and effort ever is easy because if it were then you would not appreciate it, but God has a way of getting us into shape and I am no exception to the rule. This past year has been one of if not the most difficult and challenging of my life, and I had some ups and I had some downs, and to me it seem like the downs were way down, but in actuality, God was trying to do a new thing in me. Trying to get me to that next level. And there was several setbacks, but ultimately, to God be the glory.

The speech that was given to us, was following a disappointing 1 win and 9 loss season. A season in which we were expected to be great, but because we did not learn from our mistakes, we kept repeating the same ones all season long. But the season following that speech was my senior year, we finished 7 wins and 3 losses, and as the county champions, why not because we got different players, but because we learned from our mistakes, got better in practice every day until we did not make those mistakes anymore, consider the before season, a scrimmage, practice for the real thing that was waiting for us, not a winning season, but growing us up as individuals.

As you find yourself going after the things of God, you will see the changes in your life, some quicker than others, but just remember you are working towards that one goal, where as the bible says, "I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God through Jesus is calling us up to heaven," and that goal is worth you giving it your best shot, because after all, "it takes a little more, to be a champion."

Be Blessed.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Why do they hate me so...

Matthew 5:14-16
Romans 12:2

I used to be one of the leading Wireless Data Technical Support Specialist for one of if not the leading U.S Telecommunications company. I remember starting off in the customer service department, call center. Working late night shifts, holidays and weekends, but my supervisor at the time saw something different in me, something special.

One day i was walking to the bathroom and I had my Audiovox Thera on my hip; I always maintained a PDA device, for the technology advantage and just because I liked them. Well I came across the CEO of the company and we began to have a conversation about the device and its capabilities. Well the next thing you know, by the time I had gotten back to my desk, he had called my supervisor and they had spoken and they recommended me for advancement into the technical support division. The favor of God!

Situation and favor like this continued throughout my career there until I reached the top in the Technical support department and tried to post out for an outside technician position and was under a different supervisor. My performance was outstanding my quality top notch, but for the life of me I could not get the promotion. Then it was not until I got my new supervisor that I was told that the previous supervisor kept blocking my promotions and opportunities and i immediately questioned God and asked, "Why God, why do they hate me so much. What have I ever done to them.

The answer that i got back changed my way of thinking for ever. It's the blessing of the favor of God on your life. You see, a sinner is going to do what they do no matter what because of the state that they are in, they can easily be used by the enemy to try to stop you in your tracks, but remember, no weapon formed against me shall prosper! So what you have to do is realize that God is God and what he says has to, must come to past for the Bible says that his word can not return unto him void, it must accomplish that which it was sent to do. Because this, God is trying to use you as a light in the world, a beacon on hope for others to see and be attracted to you seeking him.

Being a child of God and living a life upright before him you are going to have some people that can and can not handle it, just remember, either way they are watching you to see how you handle it and if your choice in handling it is a direct reflection of the God you serve.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

Peace and Blessings

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You don't know where you are going till you learn where you come from...

Genesis 1:1

Have you ever watched a dog chase its own tail, or a baby play with their image in the mirror and wonder why? You would think that eventually they would get it and understand that it is just them, but nope, they keep doing it over and over again, not realizing the just been there before not realizing where they just came from.

I remember one day we were driving back from Codorus State Park in Hanover PA, and I took a wrong turn thinking I knew where I was going, and you know I was not about to say that I was lost, but I was. I did not pay attention to the way we came in, so when it was time to go, I was lost trying to get back, and pride would not let me ask for help! That is why it is so very important to know where you come from, more over where we come from, less we are doomed to repeat the same things over and over again, like the dog chasing its own tail. Why do you think it is so important for man to settle on how the universe was created. You don't know where you are going till you learn where you come from, and in this case there are only two choices. Either, "In the beginning God, the self existent one created the heaven and the Earth or he did not! There are no other options.

Because I know where I came from; God, I know my rights as a kingdom citizen, and therefore, I know where I am going. I may not know the way that i am going to get there but my word tells me that "my steps are ordered, and all things work together for the good of them who are called."

I challenge you today, find out where you came from, and it will show you where you are going. You keep having the same issues, the same problems, then maybe it is time to go back to the drawing board and ask the creator from which you came, what to do about it, and he will show you just how to get where you are going.

Peace and Blessing!

Friday, April 2, 2010

"It's in the smallest details "

Zechariah 4:10
Romans 8:28

Did you ever stop and notice how much time and attention God gives to the small details in creating the Earth and eventually us? So much time, so much effort and so much thought went in to every single detail and step.

Many people tend to treat the small stuff as no big deal, more importantly, we tend to treat it as if it does not even matter, and if neither us nor God have any control over what happens with it. Most of us are pretty good when it comes to going before the Lord when you BGE(Public Utility Service) is being shut off, or your mortgage company is treating to foreclose on your house, or for that matter in any time of major need or crisis in our lives, but what about the small stuff?

The Bible says, in Zechariah 4:10, "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin." God is even in the small stuff and when you don't bring even the littlest things before him, you are in essence robbing God of the joy of working in the small stuff. Imagine, had you taking your paycheck to God in the beginning and asked him, what you should do with it, you might not be in the situation you are in now with the bills piling up, you might have taken that job that did not pay well but got moved on your heart cause it was someone there he needed you to bless or see him(the God) in you!

God is in the big stuff, but he is also in the little stuff too and takes delights in your small beginnings, the Bible says, in Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Today, let God work through the small stuff, and I promise you, you will see a big return!

Peace and Blessing!